Now it's a cult game.
Splatterhouse has a story that's great for people that like classic style stories and games that don't take themselves seriously or Gordon Rennie. If you like games like Matt Hazard or Duke Nukem but you want a change of pace with an action game, this is the game for you. With comments that the mask makes like "This is the kinda s*** that got us an M rating," you will find yourself laughing.
Presentation: While the game has a great menu screen and you can navigate the menus well, and the load screen look nice, you will be looking at the same load screen for a long time. The game takes forever to load your last checkpoint. It's unappealing to know that you could die, do your grocery shopping, come back, and your game would have just finished loading.
Graphics: The cutscenes go for a realistic tone with a hint of comic book style appearance and lots and lots of blood. When you play the game, it has a cell-shaded graphical tone that works very well considering that this game doesn't go for that gritty realism. If they did, there would be much less blood. One of the actually quite great looking games with the Gamebryo engine.
Gameplay: It plays a lot like Ninja Gaiden but with less difficulty and the camera isn't working against you so much. The endless amount of blood is satisfying.
Sound: The sound of skulls crushing is like hitting a watermelon with a hammer, and it works surprisingly well. They punching effects sound better than most movies and the voice acting is terrific, though cheesy. The Metal music soundtrack is beautiful and gets you in the mood of disembowelment.
Lasting Appeal: There's collectables and trophies/achievements. Beyond that, there's really no reason to keep the game.