This Explosive Game May Be A Bit Repetitive But That Doesn't Stop It From Being A Blast
Presentation: 8.5/10: So Split/Second is a fictional TV series in which racers can blow up the envioronment to their advantage. That is cool because I like Michael Bay esque moments and they really stand out.
Graphics: 10/10: This game looks amazing from start to finish. From the lens flare lighting effects to the vibrant explosions, everything looks crystal clear and it looks awesome.
Sound: 8.0/10: This game has a pretty awful soundtrack excluding the main theme which sounds awesome but the main focus for sound in my opinion is the explosions and sound effects. They sound awesome and feel almost scary! The only reason I didn't give it a higher score in sound is because of the crappy soundtrack.
Gameplay: 9.0/10: This is where the fun starts. Sure the story sucks a lot but that doesn't matter! Play a game like Heavy Rain if you want story! No, this game is all about game is all about gameplay. It follows a mechanic in which you have power plays to blow up the envioronment. From creating a shortcut, to making a new route or just blowing up another racer there are a lot of innovative ways to use power plays. There are 2 types of power plays. Level 1 which are weaker power plays and more common on the track and level 2 which are blockbuster style power plays and after those are triggered, the ending result is quite catastrophic. However some power plays are quite repetitive and I do wish that they had more ideas for power plays.
Lasting Appeal: 7.5/10: This game got boring after I got stuck but later on I started to play it more. After I beat the game, I did try the online but no one was playing. I probably might play this game once in a while when I get bored but I have other games to play and I don't have time for just one game.
I had a lot of fun with Split/Second and although it's limited, it's a great hidden gem. I'm giving it an 8.5/10