If it was a disc based game,i would smash it.
User Rating: 2 | SPOGS Racing WII
SPOGS racing is,frankly,the worst game i have ever played.For 1 billion reasons.The music is awful.But all you hear is the title music,anyway.The only good thing i can think of is that it LOOKS nice,but that doesn't make up for the 1 billion cons.The game is more boring than,well,um...shopping.As if that wasn't enough the game is so easy it's...um...easy?Anyway,if you are looking at the wiiware downloads offerings and see this,SCREAM AND SMASH YOUR WII.I don't know how its an opinion this game is awful.The music is bad,it is the easiest game ever,and overall it is awful.And it has no appeal at all.The programmers have wasted time and money on this game,that is what im saying...there are so many reasons this game is awful,i deleted it without taking a second thought.DO NOT WASTE YOUR WII POINTS.YOU WILL KILL YOUR SELF.Anyway,i can think of the craziest stunt for a movie ever:playing this game for over a milisecond.