Don't let the name fool you, Battle for Bikini Bottom really is a solid platformer
User Rating: 8.2 | Spongebob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom XBOX
Battle for Bikini Bottom may sound like a game pointed at a younger gaming audience, and it is, but it is still a good platformer. Gameplay is fun and simple, there is a big world to explore and lots of things are interactive (especially after you get the homing bubbles) and the dialouge is humorous. The boss fights are lame and repetitive, there are a lot of segments where you just go around collecting random items, and sometimes there are parts that seem just downright impossible, but there are parts like that in almost every game.
The graphics arent pushing any borders, but they are still good. It can be annoying to have to do some parts multiple times, but some parts are really fun (like sandy's dream). Overall, Battle for Bikini Bottom is a good platformer, and a must buy if you can find it in your bargain bin.