This game can be easily finished by a three year old, zombies, or an eggplant. SpongeBob Lame Game Pants.
The driving and flying levels are the worst. You have to turn the Wiimote 180° to nudge SpongeBob a little bit when driving. Thankfully all but one of the driving levels are mind numbing boring that you never have to do them more than once. The last driving level (the only challenging level in the whole game) is painfully hard for some reason. Flying is imprecise in totally new ways. You can sleep through them all by just randomly moving and shooting.
I was initially excited about the 3D platforming. The first few levels were cool and I thought they are going to do some really neat stuff with the mechanics later. Sadly the levels get progressively worse in quality. Maybe they think kids get bored with a game and never really play more than a hour of a game so they can just phone it in for the rest of the game? And what is with collecting stuff and never doing anything with it? I collected over 10,000 little Z bottle caps for nothing. Every kids game seems to have meaningless collecting. Maybe its required secret training for little capitalists to work really hard to collect useless crap so when they grow up they will never question why they are working really hard to collect useless crap.
Hey look there is 2D platforming!! Cool I think there should be more new 2D platformers except when they act like virtual SpongeBob Ambien. In these segments SpongeBob's pickle friend is being chased by a hamburger and you have to run and jump. This turns out be like a super dumbed down version of Super Mario. I played Super Mario when I was 9. Are kids getting stupider? Is it because the government is putting stupid pills in McDonalds's Happy Meals?
The plot is nonsensical cuteness that would be nice if I didn't have to play through hours of boredom to watch the videos. There is a twist in the end that I won't reveal because I know everybody here will be playing 12 hours to discover the secret of the Creature of the Krusty Krab.