This is SpongeBob's first video-game, and arguably his worst as well.
The graphics are pretty bad, in fact the first time I played the game every single image (with the exception of the 2-D background) were covered with strange black boxes which got in the way of the screen whilst I was trying to play the first level, but luckily that glitch only lasted until I turned the computer and those strange black boxes were gone. This major glitch in the game is clear sign as to how much effort Awesome productions (the name of the company that produced this game) put into making this game. Even without that dumb black box glitch, the graphics are still bad and fairly ugly to look at. At least they're not as bad as in "SpongeBob Squarepants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of doom," now those graphics were bad. (especially for the Playstation 2)
Gameplay: 5
The gameplay is extremely tedious are repetitive, mainly because once you have completed the wrong or right side (depending on which one you want to do first) you will end up having to do the same five missions again, except in a different order and they have different cutscenes lodged in between them. The five missions are basically just a bunch of bland, less-than-mediocre mini-games that only go on for roughly 10 minutes each, unless you haven't already gotten bored and turned the computer off, you should easily be able to complete the game within an hour and three quarters.
Plot: 4
The story is fairly dull and uninteresting, I bet a seven-year-old would easily be able to come up with a storyline bigger and more complex than this, the story is mostly about some ugly plankton-like creatures (can't quite remember their names because it has been a couple of years since I last played this game) that are Plankton has sent to steal - you guessed it - the Krabby patty secret formula. Boring!
Sound: 2
Considering that it has been so long since the last time I played this game, I can't quite remember what the music sounded like, but I do remember that it gave me a relatively big headache after listening to it for about half an hour, it was even worse then the music from Big rigs: Over the road racing. (and that game doesn't even have music.
Overall: 3.5
All and all, I would highly recommend taking a pass with this less-than-mediocre gaming experience, even if you are a die-hard, hard-core fan of the Saturday-morning television series. If you have played SpongeBob Squarepants: Employee of the month and/or you have looked this up on Wikipedia, you would already know that this is SpongeBob's first video-game, and is arguably the worst as well; this type of game is definitely the type that you are going to want to dodge at all costs.
Thank you for reading my honest review of: SpongeBob Squarepants: Operation Krabby patty.