Good for a little while... Gets players to do the work for EA. Wow, they really did get even cheaper!
There are some bugs, but given what it is, it is the first of it's kind in many ways:
-dynamic animation based on the character you create
-a demo you have to pay for the full version of... . ....
-smoothest running character builder of this complexity
The dynamic animation should have had a few more kinks worked out before it released. The sound is great, but I wish there was more range to it. They could have went a little bit further. There is no real gameplay since it is a demo. They could have at least let you build 2 creatures and let you fight one of your other creation with the current creature you are working on, then it would actually have some gameplay.
Gameplay 1/10 There is no gameplay actually, it is just the creature creator
Graphics 5/10 Mainly due to glitches and sloppy mistakes
Sound 8/10 Very good job, but there is room for improvement
Value 0/10 The full version should be free (hate me for this if you must, but it is my opinion)
Tilt 2/10 failed my expectations, but has some playful fun to it.
Bad Business Penalty: -9/10
Overall Score: 1.4 (round to 1.5)
The bad business penalty had to be put in there. There are certain ethics as a business owner, consumer, and avid gamer that force me to deeply disapprove of the move to make a demo you have to pay for the full version of. I would never run my own business like that (or not give something like that out for free to such devoted fans, especially if i had a company making this much money), I would never buy a product from a company like that (but i am willing to test out a friend's version just in case there is a hope of making up for it), and as a gamer, this choice by EA has forced me to restrict purchases where EA could get profit from a game to 0 per year.
To EA: Good luck with your TakeTwo and Ubisoft take over, SucROM, bad business practices, and caring more about making money than about your consumer and doing nice things for them.
In the end, wait for a used version of Spore at EB, GameStop, or GameFly and use the free demo until then, and to the pirates out shame for hacking this, shame... haha [I do not support piracy, I just support bad things happening to EA.]