This little creative tool does what it set out to do, and does it so wonderfully that it's easily recommendable.

User Rating: 9 | Spore Creature Creator PC
If you've got some zany ideas for a creature stuck in your mind, or if you're just imaginative, artistic, or creative at all, cough up the ten bill and get this program. It's as simple as that. The Spore Creature Creator, to an imaginative person like me, is a great tool! I've made only four creatures so far, but 3 of the 4 creatures I have made I absolutely love (the other was just silly). I love being able to write descriptions for them, give them a back story, see them come to life, and (best of all)post them on the internet for others to heckle or praise.

The fact of the matter with the Sore Creature Creator is that even if you never plan on playing Spore, it's a great way to unleash some pent up creativity, and more than that, it's a great way to 'get connected'! What I mean by that is, once you make your profile, and start posting creates, and viewing the millions of other creatures out there and rating those, you feel (or at least, I felt) like I had become part of a community-a crazy, whacked out, artistic community; and that's great!

Even if some people don't seem to take their creatures seriously, there are those that have put TONNES of time into theirs, and they are simply amazing to look at, download, and test out yourself! I can't say how many times I've laughed aloud at some creations I've seen.

Simply put, the Spore Creature Creator is certainly small, and certainly simple; but to me, it's also certainly something worth paying for. It's like a really cheap Pixar engine, where you can create creatures in a half an hour that would take Pixar designers weeks!

The bottom line with the creature creator is that it's a great tool of personal expression, that has tonnes of fun embedded in it for those who are creative and imaginative. And hey, while you're having fun creating great beasts or whatever you like, you're also populating the Spore game itself!
One of the best ten dollar purchases I've ever made.
