One of the most hyped games of all time actually a dumbed down simulation
They were wrong, Spore has proven to be one of the biggest letdowns in the history of gaming.
A horrible DRM system is implemented into the game, which upon release prided itself as a technical masterpiece. You are required to activate over the internet, yet are only given three activations. If you go over and are forced to contact EA, they'll assume you're a pirate and give a very long winded reason on why they can't do that.
Now for the game (if it could be called that). While certain aspects can be entertaining for a short period of time (the game's cell stage), eventually the player will find that each of these tasks are monotonous and repetitive. you'll end up recognizing many missions you're handed, realizing you've already done them each several times before. The creature stage is a bore as not all of the customizable parts for your creature are avaliable, overall you're only limited to 6-10 parts anyways.
The stats attributed with many of the parts take a huge amount of fun out of the game. Even if you can have a cool looking headcrest, it may have a social rating of 1, prohibiting you from befriending other creatures throughout the duration of the game. Instead of roaming around to find food, mates, shelter etc. the animals in the game only hang in or around their nests. This provides extremely limited interaction.
The horrible civilization stage salvages nothing. It amounts to what is more or less the most boring RTS I have ever played. *Gather resource*Build vehicle*Attack*.
While the space stage may look impressive at first, it's really not. Planets are recycled despite them supposedly being player created, and the missions here are equally repetitive as in any other stage.
In conclusion, Spore is an incredibly watered down snorefest, I'd welcome the cell stage as some sort of a free casual game online (to fiddle around with for maybe 15 minutes at a time).
EA really should be ashamed of itself for this despicable business practice. Treating their customers like criminals, and then providing absolutely abominable customer service to the people who have allowed EA to become the massive corporation that it is.