Sick of the crap people are giving this game? Read here to find out a non-bias review
Booted up my nice shiny PC and waited what felt like 20 years for it to load. So it finally boots and I opened the disc tray put in the disc.
I waited for my computer to find it and then there was a large cheer, so it installs the 6 gig of stuff, which took too long for my desperate longing.
Anyway I wont bore you with the rest of that, so its all installed and I click on the desktop shortcut, sorry Spore has failed to launch, 'err... WHAT THE MOTHER F**KING HELL!' due to no internet connection, 'ooooh OK', start internet.
Click on shortcut, black screen, 'this black screen has been here a loooooong time' (actually about 10 seconds but it felt like years), then the start up screen started, another loud cheer could be heard from my house all around the village.
The Game:
Cell Game - When you start the game it will ask you a few questions like, carnivore or omnivore? And user created creatures or random? so the cell stage is the first stage of the game, you watch a split screen of a meteor entering the atmosphere and splitting, the camera then zooms in and you see you little cell break out of it. Its a cute little blob with eyes. You can direct it with WASD, Arrow keys OR mouse (in a Diablo style) (I personally suggest mouse), so you swim around with other creatures and depending on if your a herbivore or carnivore you eat other cells or bits of grass. You can collect parts from killing other cells or by breaking open rocks. You can unlock mouths, weapons and ways of movement. You can add these on at any time but clicking on the mating call button. My opinion of this stage: I love it, its addictive and great fun, you can become very close to your creature in this stage. Very easy no matter what diffuculty selected. 4/5
Creature game - Once you get enough DNA you can grow legs, you watch a cut scene of your creation wandering up onto the land. Once on the land you will receive a map and can venture wherever you so wish. You have a choice of whether to befriend creatures or massacre them to extinction, but remember consequences come from your decisions. You can unlock parts from skeletons and Alpha creatures. You can again add the parts whenever you want by going to your nest and screeching out your creatures mating call. You can from here morph your creature almost in infinite different ways, as you'll know if you have downloaded the Creature Creator. Every now and again (three times to be precise) your creatures will migrate and you have to find your way to the nest. My opinion: The creature stage is the longest and hardest (remember this is MY OPINION), but also the most fun, especially if your creature can fly. It is very easy to grasp for younger children but has a certain actor that entertains all ages. 4.5/5
Tribal game - So again once you have enough DNA you can proceed into tribal stage there will be a brief tutorial, then you will see another tribe reach sentience. It is then up to you to ally or destroy them, you then have to repeat this five times (sounds boring but it is quite fun as the tribes get stronger and the difficulty differs), your village will grow every so often in a green twirly light. This means you can place more buildings; these buildings give your tribes tools, like instruments and weapons. My opinion: Great fun however this part is WAY tooo short and slightly too easy, the RTS style works very well but the full potential hasn't been met. 3.99/5 (sorry it's random but it doesn't deserve a 4)
Civilization stage – So you have removed all other tribes from the picture, its just you and the world… …or so you think, other tribes elsewhere have also controlled their areas and evolved into fully fledged city's, but you don't have to worry about that just to start with. First of all your citizens will require you to build them a city hall in the buildings creator (which is AMAZING FUN) the music can be a bit sinister and aggressive which is weird but creating buildings is great fun, HOWEVER, the colouring of the building is a bit crappy, there are limited textures to choose from and the colouring is not very good but the variety of parts easily makes up for this slight flaw. But back to the game you will then have to create a land vehicle, even better than the buildings creator, especially with the effects i.e. Lights and Super Dooper Turbine Blasters. It is then up to you to create a profitable city by placing buildings in ideal places. You can then place turrets to protect your city. When the first city appears depending on your class, military, economic or religious, you can create a trade route, destroy them or convert them. To make money you have to capture Spice Geyser's. Other cities will attack them however for control over them. Wars will also come and go with certain civ's you cannot befriend them all, but you can destroy them all (my second approach after trying to by them). It is up to you to find your flow. Oooh also if you take over a city of a different style to yours you can keep it like that i.e. Military or you can change it to your setup. The main goal of this stage is to own ALL ten cities, sounds hard but once you have a technique and a sweet arse armada it's a breeze (I promise). My opinion: AWESOME, well… almost awesome. The idea is their but it just wasn't pulled off, I do love this stage and the length is perfect, however it doesn't have that feel that you want, it doesn't make you want to scream (in a good way) I do however REALLY enjoy this stage, it is really fun, it just needs another degree. 4/5 (really hard to decide, its great fun but lacking)
SPACE! The final frontier!
Space stage (to normal BORING people) – Enough of my random mumblings, LETS BLAST OFF! So you have owned everybody, and own every city. The globe is yours! But what is there left to dooooo…? Look up! So your little creatures that you have had since they were teeney weeney cellular blobs want to blast off. You are thrown into your final creator and given the task off making a space bearing, intergalactic machinery wots-a-ma-call-it; once created you are given the task of navigating it to get it used to the controls (which are IMMENSLY easy to get). To leave your planet just zooooooooom out, you given tasks a plenty, and if you couldn't care less what your race want just ask some aliens :D, they are happy to give you missions. You can also befriend or destroy aliens, or if you don't want to watch the other little creatures suffer, merely blow up whole planet from a distance! Sure when your planets attacked its annoying having to go back and defend them, even though they can quite easily defend them selves. Plus space can get rather repetitive, if you set a goal for yourself to so it is way more fun, like trying to find Earth! This is actually possible! My opinion: Suffers a major bought of, 'hey people love repeating the same thing' disease, this is the worst part, however cultivating planets and changing other tribes can be fun. Space stage is definitely best in small doses and NOT recommended for the hardcore gamer. 3.5/5
So this was my review, please comment me what you think, Danke.