Spore is a multi-genre simulation game from Will Wright were you play through 5 stages of the evolutionary cycle.
When you first start a new game you will start off in the cell phase which begings with a cutsceen were an metiorite approaches your chosen planet and chashes, metior shards will spread and land in the water and there you appear. You are a small cell either herbivor or carnivor, that must eat to get bigger and evolve, you will encounter bigger cells and the calls which were threatening you become small. As you play through this stage you will aquire parts which you may use to custimize your cell to defend yourself against other cells, these parts are aquired from metior shards in the water or by killing other cells.
The cell stage will be over quickly in about 10 minutes which is a good thing because it is pretty much over before it becomes boring. After the cell stage it is time to add legs to your cell and go to land, this is the creature stage were you controle a single member of your species however you are not alone, other species exist on the land also of which you can either make them extinct by killing them off, or you can make them your allies. Interacting with other species will fill your progress bar quicker. You can collect parts on the land from either bones of dead creatures or from killing or allieing with alpha creatures and you can use these in the creature creator to improve the appilities of your creature. You may also encounter other events such as spaceships flying around your planet abducting other creatures, epic creatures or other large creatures which you may ally to get the advantage against your foes.
After you fill your progress bar for the creature phase you will be introduced to another cut-sceen showing your species lighting fire using a stick, the next stage is the tribal stage. The difference between the tribal and creature stage is that you are no longer controling a single member of your species, instead you are controling a small tribe of your species. Your tribe must ally or conquer other tribes to advance your own. As you ally or defeat other tribes your progress bar will fill, as it fills your tribe will gain totam peices and your tribe will become stronger. You can no longer modify your species however you can custemise outfits for your tribe.
Depending on weather you defeated or allied the other tribes will dicide your specialty in the civilisation stage, either economic, religious or militaristic. In the civilisation stage you must build cities that can make ypu a profit so you can create vehicles so that you can conquer, convert or buy out other cities depending on your specialty. As you aquire other cities from other nations you may aquire the other two specialties and you will be able to create vehicles from those specialties. As you aquire more cities you will also be able to create air vehicles.
After you take over the planet you will then be able to explore your star system and beyond, the space stage has no direct goals. You may want to take other empires by force, you may want to ally them or you may want to colonise other star systems, that choice is pretty much up to you. You may want to take on missions from other empires to get spore bucks and improve your galactic ranking. Spore bucks allow you to purchace new tools and upgrade the ones you have for your space ship.
The creature creator that was released back a few months ago is available in the game, you also have vehicle and building creators to show off your creativity, they are exeptionally easy to use and you don't really need to think what you want to make, you can just add parts as you go and doing that can get you the same amaizing results as if you thought about what you want to make.
All in all spore is a game worth getting if you havent got it already.