I'm usually good at metagaming, but this game lacks so much flesh that it's hard doing anything but be bored with it.

User Rating: 7 | Spore PC
I hate to say that, but I think that Spore is boring. I feel like playing a six years old game. I want to get involved in it, but I just can't. I made six planets, tried to give bio to my creatures, and see how they compare, to eventually get them to meet each other in the space... I'm sad to admit it, but my favorite part so far is... the cell part. Okay, some little details are nice, such as seeing in black and white if you don't put eyes to your creature and little meteorites showers from time to time... But what else? It's so repetitive, I would have said it's worth $20 maximum. I guess the expansion packs are gonna come. But seriously, being done with a game so fast? A game needs gameplay. Sims were very simple at first, but there was this sort of randomness that made it interesting. Spore isn't really random. So, yeah, seriously, wait till the price gets down if you really want it, because for now, I'm really disappointed. Yeah. Too bad. I should have waited before getting it.