Well I'm god you do what I say and I say run now. That what spore is you controle a creture and evole it.

User Rating: 8 | Spore PC
I haven't bought a PC game in about a year and a 1/2 ya that's about right so I didn't realy car about spore, but my firends kept pussing it on me so I caved and bought it. I finde it rather enjoyable and that is saying somthing frome me, but the resone why is becuase it's simple fun. you first start out at the cell stage swimming in the primordial soup, For any of you who have played flow, the cell stage is just like that you eat and become large as you collect parts and DNA to become more complex and create more. Though its eaten or be eaten in this dogy dog world for once you evole frome the cell you move into the creature stage. The creature stage is one of my favorite you have one nest and you can fight and allie with other spishys as you move through the game also this is were craeating you creature come in hadndy for once you more and evole you can no longer change it's body aperance. Nex it the tribal stage were it get repeditive colect, attack and befirend tribes to moveon and be a civalitaion. At civalitaion welcome to the R.T.S valte that even the best or worst R.T.S player can do take over the world by war or peace you chose. After the world is yours you move onto space that final frontire, but if you whant to know about it go get the game. Overal it's a fun play just to play game, and the music is amazing with the ocastra and funny cut seance. It will alwas be fun and diffrent each time and you will lagh untill it hurts on the smallest things I recomend this for people who just want to sit down and have agood time and take a break from hard core gameing.