i can't understand others scoring. do they hate drm that much? my review contains spoiler about the gameplay.

User Rating: 8.5 | Spore PC
cell phase-9.5/10
here, you started as a single cell, the mission here is to become bigger by eating meat or plants. depending on the type of food you eat, you can become carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. each food you take, there's a DNA points earned, then that DNA points can become upgrades, like spike, electric etc

creature phase- 9.5/10
creature phase is one of my favorite in spore. here we can design our animal physical appearance. of course by getting DNA to have upgrades. we can have wing, horn, sharp teeth etc...

tribal phase- 8/10
tribal phase has the lowest because it is the easiest phase. but nevertheless, it is still fun. tribal phase is critical because it can determine what type of civilization you will do in the next phase, which will affect the space phase too. also the features in creature stage will not be applicable anymore.

civilization phase- 9/10
here in civilization phase, your species becomes the superior of all, just like this world right now which is the human. here the goal is, to ally with all nation or to conquer all. i gave it 9 because there are 3 choices to try. economic, military, religious. depending on what you did in tribal phase.

space phase- 10/10
the space phase is my favorite phase. it has an ginormous map and so many thing to do. my favorite part is the terraforming of planets. altough it lacks some sci-fi things it is still fun.

The genre of space phase is first person. the camera always follows wherever your ship goes. and then shooting other ship is fun. Civ and tribal is RTS, creature, rpg, while cell is 2d rpg

Other - 9.3/10
The Building system is the most fun part of the game. we can build almost everything in this game the only thing we can't build is the solar system itself and the trees. anyway, it is 10/10 because it has very large and good amount of parts.

Overall(gameplay) - 9.0/10
Music - (8.5/10)
The background music is nice to hear. not outstanding but nice in the ears.
Graphics - (9/10)
User Bump - (8/10)
it is a very good game. and i really like it. but the crashes it made a bad impression for me.

score - 8.5/10

buy it or rent it?
buy it. it is a must try game! even female or parents will like it.