Following a creature from single cell through to galatic exploration is a huge scope- big enough to either go down as one of history's great games... or disappointemnts. Set over 5 distant evoultionary stages, Spore changes player with creating a controlling a race of creatures spawned from your very imagination, taking over first tidal pond and eventually the galaxy. I could waffle on all day about the history of the game, Will Wright's obession into making sandbox style games and the merging of the causal and core game market in the previous Maxis games, The Sims and The Sims 2 but really, all we need is that the Creature Creaor that Wright has made for Spore is an absolute marve; Creating a beastie frim your imagination using the available parts is a wonder esperience and seeing the creature being animated in a naturalistic fashion is enjoyable. As for creating other junk. Stage one single organism is very boring and dull. Stage 2 is very intersting and it stays simple. Stage 3 and 4 are very similar. stage 5 is where it really shines where you can take over the galaxy
For two years now I've been waiting for Spore, struggling through delays, and when I finally get my chance to play, I find an over simplified, clunky, and boring game that feels like you are playing a long tutorial. C... Read Full Review
The hype for this game was reaching the sky with three features: 1. First game to simulate species from micro organism to space age. 2. Can create all kinds of creatures, cars, ships etc etc and will support all kind... Read Full Review