Good start. Something missing? Yes.

User Rating: 8 | Spore PC
The Good:
-Intuitive editors
-Extensive customization
-Myriad of downloadable creations for those lacking creativity
-Original presentation (You won't find any game quite like Spore)

The Bad:
-Creatures do not have much impact on the game
-Unoriginal gameplay (Each "stage" is reminiscent of games you have played before)

At first glance, spore appears to be a unique game. Indeed, it is one of a kind, but to what extent? Spore is essentially a combination of many genres of games. There are five stages.

Stage one is a pacmanesque arcade game (more reminiscent of flOw, but not as many people have heard of that game)

Stage two is an RPG.

Stage three is an RTS.

Stage four is a larger scale RTS.

Stage five is a... well... I know there are games out there like it, but I haven't played any so I guess I can't really classify it.

This may sound great, and it is to a certain extent; However, I should warn you that each of these stages is significantly stripped down. There is not any really problem with this as the individual stages fit together nicely and make for what would otherwise be a shallow game (although it could easily be argued that it is a shallow game regardless). Let's just say, it may be somewhat shallow, but entertaining nonetheless.

The editors (creature, building, and vehicle) all work in essentially the same way. They are tailored to players of all levels of "devotion". A player who wishes to devote a lot of time and detail into a creation has the ability to create something truly amazing. At the same time, the editor is intuitive and not overly complex such that users who wish to make a simple creation and leave it at that are free to do so without having to spend an eternity figuring out the basics.

My main problem with this game is the space stage. Given that the main point of the game is supposed to be creating your very own creature, it comes as somewhat of a disappointment to me that after the tribal age (or perhaps even as soon as the creature age), your "special" creation has little impact on the rest of the game. Sure, in the space age there is a portrait of your creature, but does that mean much? No. That is the main reason that, despite my initial enjoyment of the game, I quickly lost interest after colonizing a few planets and gaining access to most of the ship tools. There really wasn't much to do in the space stage. Essentially all you do in the space stage is colonizing new planets and defending your old ones. Combat is nothing special. All it involves is strafing around opponents and clicking on them as fast as possible. Colonizing planets isn't much better. While it is fun initially, all you really have to do is use the right tools at the right time. This becomes old all too quickly.

Do not misunderstand me, the space stage is a good start. Colonizing planets yields a certain satisfaction that I have yet to find in other games. The only problem is that after colonizing a planet, there isn't much reason to visit it again except to ward of attackers (which is more of a nuisance than an enjoyment) or to collect spice (Spore's currency). The latter of which doesn't even require the player to visit the planet itself, just the solar system in which the planet is located.

So, what is the solution? Spore Galactic Adventures. In reading previews of this expansion, it appears that my problems with the game will largely be addressed. Apparently, users will be able to partake in a drastically improved creature stage bringing significance to your creation once more and allowing you to partake in user "quests" and pre-made "quests" on planets throughout the universe. I have high hopes for this expansion, but only time will tell. Don't take my word for it though, check it out yourself.;previews