Not up to expectations but still worth playing non-the-less.
-Beam Down----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After watching the trailer,you probably get the high hopes of beaming down your captain in every Planet and do a Skirmish etc. etc. However,that is not the case.You can only Beam Down on certain Planets with a Flag Marker on it.
-Abilities----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You probably remember the fact that you can only keep one "Class" Spaceship ability at a time.But in Galactic Adventures you can get everything provided that you bought every Captain Weapon of that certain Class.However,Knights are still un-available so I suggest that you hold onto Knight Class and don't switch it out.
-Missions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This can get either interesting or fustrating.If your not used to it,it is very difficult to create Missions up to your expectations.The upside is,everything within Creating a Mission is under your editing control.You can make a creature go Epic sized(Not only those wild creatures)You can place Buildings,Creatures,your Captain,Special Effects,Music etc. etc.
-Terraforming----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can only Terraform a Planet freely in Mission Creating mode.You can change the temperature,appearance and the list goes on.It is much much easier compared to the usual Terraforming in Space Mode.
-Armour and Weapons--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Captain starts off with his Creature Attacks and speed etc. etc. However,as you progress and unlock new weapons,your Captain can gain a variety of weapons and armour.You can even change your Outfit in Space Mode now.
-Missions 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unfortunately,for now,the website seems to be under-prepared for Galactic Adventures.There is a severe lack of Mission Variety by Players and Maxis.
-Rank--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Space Mode Rank does not apply to your Adventure Rank.You still need to do Adventures in order to Rank Up and get points to Unlock new Equipments.Unfortunately you can only gain points from Missions you never attempted with the Captain your using in Space Stage before.
-Quick Play------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a Quick Play function of which you can instantly play any Missions you want from your Sporepedia.However,not all Missions in Quick Play allows you to choose a Captain of your choice.
-Creepy & Cute-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are some rumours out there about Creepy & Cute coming with Galactic Adventure.For hopefuls out there,sorry to burst your bubble.The Expansion Pack does not come with the Parts Pack.
-Crew---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like Space Mode,Tribe Stage and Creature Stage,In certain Missions you can add people to your Party.
-Missions 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Effects and music come in presets(Meaning you can't create your own)However,Buildings and Creatures need you to use whatever you have in your Sporepedia.You can also create a game based on a Genre you prefer though it needs alot of work and skill.You can create a puzzle game,story game,action game,defence game etc. Though you should understand the co-ordiantion of AI movement before you do this.You can set your own Goals and Chapters/Acts.
-Pick up weapons...but...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Well,you can pick up Spears,swords and axes or whatever weapons there are but you can't actually use them.Unless you count the fact that you can throw it in the enemy's face or by picking them up and giving them to another character as a Mission.
-Hazards----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well,there are risks of getting....fried by certain pyros,blasted by explosions or getting struck by lightning.I assure you it happens.The enviroment can either be your friend or your enemy(Nature takes no side.It deep fried a Epic I was fighting)
-Power Ups------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are four power ups,Attack Boost,Defence Boost,Speed Boost and HP Recovery.Oddly enough,despite what I said about weapons,there are certain things which can be quite dangerous and can be picked up.Bombs.Pick 'em up,chuck them at the enemy and watch it go boom.Though you need to be rather close in order for it to reach the enemy at all.
-Similarities to Creature Stage---------------------------------------------------------------------It is very similar except that you don't have Stamine.You have Energy instead.It recharges over time and is needed for most weapons and shields.
-New Weapons Functions----------------------------------------------------------------------------This time,your weapons is actually quite a variety compared to Creature Stage.You can summon bees to attack your enemy(Watch them run away in the opposite direction)Blast your enemy with long ranged missles.Shoot them with the classical laser beams or using certain melee weapons.You can freeze your enemies as well come to think of it.
-Adventure Creation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Adventure Creating Mode.You can put your buildings anywhere.When I said anywhere I mean anywhere.No more Colony restrictions what so ever.You can create Teams(So you can practically create a race or a warzone)You can also place vehicles and aeroplanes and ships etc. etc. You can upsize pretty much anything to Epic proportions other than your Captain.You can set Mission objectives and each act have a limit of 3.There is also a Complexity Metre for Creating Adventures but one Planet can actually hold alot of things.So if your good you can create a Netherworld,Prison and stuff like that.Since buildings can be placed in anyway you want you can create segments by segments of walls or the internal sides of a room.You can also create volcanos(Unfortunately they don't go *boom* But they sizzle you when you go to the hot spot)Islands,temperature,time,pretty much everything is within your control in this creation mode.
Hopefully this helps all players to decide whether they want the game or not