Despite the warning labels, there is little here to either tantalize or tickle your the naughty part of your funny bone.
Wow, how wrong can someone be?
This isn't what I would call a mini-game game. I wouldn't even call it an adventure game. It is all about dialog and plot. You really don't DO anything in the game but talk to people and move the story along.
It's big lie is the "dating sim" tag though. Supposedly your choices really effect the results. It's not "just an adventure game" because who you hook up with depends on what you decide. That's just dead wrong. Yeah, you have choices, and there are minor effects, but it's all insulated by the modular "mission based" nature of the game.
You don't get to choose who to hook up with. You don't really get to choose who your friends hook up with. You are told "hook your friend up with this person". Then, depending on the level of success or failure of that, there are repercussions. But the same overall objectives are there.
There are five girls, but there really isn't any choice. You have to follow the same path. The big choice doesn't even come until the end. Two of the five aren't even choices, and one of those was my favorite. I even told the stupid game she was my favorite in a previous mission. No go, she can't go on the cruise with you. The hippie chick is a no go too.
The leftovers are the man hating she-witch, the obnoxious unrealistically jack-of-all-trades nerd, and the insipid blond you're supposed to like.
Now, it would be lame of me to rant about the actual choices here. I got what I paid for. The game sucks, and I have to eat my own dung here. My gripe is in the gameplay and story design itself. You don't really HAVE any choice. If this is a dating sim, then make it a dating sim. If it's not, then give me more meat to the plot than THIS tripe.
The unlockables create a small obsessive desire to "catch em all", but the dialogs all end up going basically the same no matter what you do, so there isn't any "plot" incentive, and despite the supposedly "racy" dialog, there wasn't really anything there to either really tantalize, or give you a big guilty laugh. The humour was lame.
Don't waste your money.