Dont play this game for more than 2 minutes, or else you'll go nuts!!
User Rating: 1 | Spy Games: Elevator Mission WII
This game is utter crap. You are a secret spy from the Dung Eating Organization on a mission to steal secret documents which contains crushed crap in 3 discs. You look like Link from Zelda and your gun looks like a 2 year-olds toy. The levels look like a circus clown was the architect and the enemies look like 1960 cowboys in suits. The timer makes the game even more frustrating. The graphics make you vomit. Your eyes will start hurting if you don't shut off your TV. Your TV will explode if you exceed the limit also. Even if you try playing with a blind fold, trust me it will be the same. The only solution is to burn it to ashes and then send the ashes to space. Please save the world by doing the proceedure above. Don't give it to your dog as a toy or as food or else you will make its life miserable!