This game is seriously broken, and sometimes it makes no sense, but still, The Rocks got a great 'stache.
Spy hunter's story isn't really complicated, You are Alex Decker, an ex-figther pilot that became a secret agent for the International Espionnage Service (IES). You are the guy that drives the interceptor, the most sophisticated spy vehicle in the world that can transform into a boat and a motorbike. Terrorists steal your car, and you want it back.
The spy hunter series was squarely based on driving, but this time, you can get you of the car and punch and/or shoot dudes in the face. In the beginning, everything seems cool, you can do wrestling moves, break necks and throw dudes at other dudes, but after a while, things get boring. Especially when your ennemies start having guns, you die before reaching the ennemies so you can't pull of those sweet moves. And at about that point the only way to survive is to shoot dudes, exept that you eat your ammo at an extremely fast rate and ennemies drop like two bullets when its takes you 50 to kill them. At that point, the game becomes as fun as shopping for a tomb stone. And as icing on the on-foot combat cake, the aiming system is really bad, it's like trying to play the game on an ATM.
The driving portions of the game fare a little better, I even found myself having fun at some places. Armed trucks, helicopters and interceptor rip-offs are after your hide. At certain places, the interceptor transforms into a boat and, OMG, it's the same thing but on water, everything controls the same and the ennemies do the same things on water than on the road, exept they drive boats. There are lots of weapons that you can strap on the interceptor, but you'll still be using the same two or three during the whole game. At least during the driving portions you won't have to be scared of running out of ammo because the IES will continue dropping some. I don't understand why they can drop huge ammo refilling machines from flying jets but they can't just drop you and your car next to the base your trying to infiltrate.
The first hours of the game are spent getting your ride back. After that, every twelve feet, the road is blocked and you have to get out of your car and shoot hundreds of nobodys to clear the road, you get back in your car and you repeat the same thing twelve feet later. The game has the bad habit of cutting the sweet action moments to show a cutscene, Hey spy hunter, I WANT to drive my car and blast through the freakin' helicopter, I don't want to see it happen, I don't want to watch a movie. Certain places in the game don't make sense. At one place your driving the car and there is a woman sitting next to you and you hit a jump, the car changes into a motorbike and flies into a waiting hoverplane-thing, what's wrong? Well, where did that woman go? She wasn't on the bike, they didn't go get her in the pieces of the car that flew away, there were ennemies everywere, but you see her with the Rock just minutes after, she arrives at the secret IES base with him.
In the graphics department, not alot of work was put there, it feels like you are trapped in a time warp back to 1997 were all the games looked bad. The Rock holds a data disk as if he wants to spin it like a basketall, and when he holds a bazooka and he puts it on his back it completely obstrucks your view. In the end, the game has lots weird stuff going on, but the game has somme pretty corny/funny stuff. When The Rock and that disapeering woman are in the car, the woman says: Is the Rocket launcher standard or is it an option? And The Rock says: The rocket launcher is always an option! And you will absolutely love the sight of The Rock with a Hulk Hogan style mustache. That sweetness will probably be in the movie as well, so wait untill that comes out, if it does, and buy some other action game.