It burns when I pee, because of this game!

User Rating: 1.5 | Spy vs. Spy XBOX
Every time I think about the day I played this game. I cry. A long hard cry. One of those cries where you have to periodically suck in air because your crying more then your breathing.The only thing I thank Spy vs Spy for is making things really easy for me when people ask me "Hey, what's the worst experience you've ever endured?", because now I can simply answer by saying "Spy vs Spy". The game is ridden with glitches, which really would'nt be hard to get past if the game play wasn't overall choppy, incredibly un-entertaining, and totally unsatisfying. There's no way to comprehend what your doing while playing. It's extremely chaotic in a bad way, and everytime you die, you'll smile because for a brief second, you wont have to endure anymore of Satan's cruel mind play. Speaking of which, I bet hell is nothing but chilling with Satan and playing Spy vs Spy. It's the only possibility if Hell is as evil as it's acclaimed to be. In short the game sucks, I don't recommend it to anyone, and if you see the cd anywhere make whoever bought it eat it with their butt hole.