The classic game of "get the loot before the other does".
Sound/Music: Between the blasted music and the endless snickering of these two rats, anything sound related from this game will drive you crazy. The music is this very obnoxiously loud and irritating tune that plays over and over again, and everytime something happens that one player does to the other, one of them does this laugh that sounds like a bell having a seizure.
Difficulty: There's different maps you can play this with. Obviously, the higher the number you go, the harder it'll be. The only change really though is the AI of the other player if you're playing against the CPU, and the level is bigger than the last.
Gameplay: Play the computer or a friend, and take all the items from the house while laying and avoiding traps to kill the other player (yes they respawn but lose their items they collected). You can also pick up a knife or a club and your punch will be stronger depending on what weapon you got. Once you got all the items, exit through the door with a split in the middle.
Controls: Fairly easy to get used to. One button goes through traps, the other searches furniture for items and lays traps, and also is your attack button.
Overall: Really all I have to say is that you'd be better off playing this with a friend, too repetitive with the CPU. It can be fun if you REALLY get into this kind of thing, or just to simply waste time.. Or even just for a laugh. Whatever the cause, no reason to not add this to your NES collection!