Spyborgs is just what it is--a simple brawler.
This is a straight up beat'em up from old times.
You enter an area, kill everyone and move onto the next. But, of course, I'm simplifying things. There are crates to heal/power up, a few upgrades to buy, you can knock enemies off the platforms or use specials for instant kills, and it's all topped off with a brutal difficulty.
This game could've been so much more. It's totally uninspired and doesn't try anything new. All the areas have no real design to them. The story is pretty non-existent. The characters barely talk and you could really care less about them. And ultimately, it's repetitive like nobody's business.
BUT...it is a co-op game. And that is it's saving grace. This probably isn't a very good beat'em up and it's certainly not an amazing multiplayer title. But, quite frankly, there's really not much in the dead genre to begin with. I enjoyed it...and I do intend to attempt the extreme difficulties for replay value. Thankfully, the game is SHORT (maybe 4-5 hours), so if you must go through the tedium, you won't have to go through it for long.
I think it has its place. And it's really cheap now(about as cheap as renting it). If you don't mind the repetitive nature of killing dudes with a mixture of strong/weak/special attacks, it's all right for single-player and probably much better as a multi-player.