No Reason to play this whatsoever. Online is dead. Achievements impossible. Modes simplistic. Its like a free flashgame!
To Make it short and sweet- it is a collection of four board games (chess, checkers, mancala, reversi) Even though the games can be somewhat fun, i find the difficulty on reversi really hard, while chess is too easy.
The graphics are actually quite good and you can change your designs.
Multiplayer is praised by being innovative and including the Live Cam. Might be true if there is anybody online. Never seen anybody online. This game is totally dead and therefore takes away 50% of the gameplay. Playing against the computer gets boring and achievements are unreachable as half of them are online and there are no opponents online
After playing it for 15 minutes i got bored and never played it again. No reason to buy this, even if you have points left..Boring, Dull Game and this review is not biased, just what I truly see in this game
Glad I won it from Microsoft's christmas game, otherwise i would have really been angry at wasting my money in such a way. The game seems as though a amateur software designer could have made it in 1 day. Its so simplistic, no good!
Rating- 3.0- Disastrous