though really aimed at younger players i found this good light fun but not fun as in GTA fun now THATS fun. but anyway its givin its money worth to me. i can only play for about 15 mins till i get board and come back in a week to play agrin. has soooo many levels and they are all diffrent which is the best thing about it, graphics are good since its gba i was impressed. though i liked it alot i think you should only get this if you are a spyro fan or its for your young sibling.
Other Helpful Reviews for Spyro 2: Season of Flame
If you're a fan of spyro or not you'll love this game! Some people may think it's not so great, but most people think it's pretty good. When you just play it for a little bit you'll think it's pretty mediocre, but when y... Read Full Review
this game fro the gba was fun. i mean in the other spyros since the play station dayz they have been boring and got old real quick. i got this game because i was bored and wanted a eazy game to play. this game shocked me... Read Full Review