Spyro comes to Gamecube... ill-prepared...
They SERIOUSLY cut down on the levels. From 20+ to 9 or so was a bad move. Most of the time, the game was good for all the level varieties. Now, I'm not saying these levels aren't bad, they are! The levels are probably THE only strong point of this game. They have true variety ranging from a farm under alien abduction to a den full of thieves that you have fought in the past. The thieves were actually a surprise, as they were the LAST possible thing I could ever see Spyro helping.
The story plot is the same... things have gone missing, Spyro must find them. It's a solid formula... but most of these little dragonflies are either WAY too easy to get or are such a huge pain in the butt to find!
Another decent thing about this game is new breaths. Bubble, Ice ,and Lightning, they were pretty well-thought out. They aren't really THAT necessary until late in the game were your fire breath has no effect at ALL!
Ripto is back, actually! Not sure where he came from. Last I saw of him he was burned to death. I mean, that weird Rhynoc Queen didn't revive, I wonder why Ripto did. But there's only ONE boss fight in this entire thing, and that's Ripto. And he's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO easy. You don't even get to fight his two goons again... and they were fun to kill! I want to have boulders fall on Crush again! It funny! Ahem, anyways...
Overall, this game is too short, boring, and they should've made it twice as long. At least 15+ levels of that length might have changed my mind, oh and more bosses. Also if the game ran a little smoother. But, hey, it's there... unfortunately. This game does not even stand up to Spyro's previous installments. It just... doesn't. Nice try... but you guys have to do a lot better than this. Spyro games were actually VERY good, until this came along. You're actually better off buying the GBA Spyro games. They're true classics and are better compared to this.