What are Universal thinking? I don't know why anyone would want to play this lonely, boring and unimaginative game.
I started this game by walking around with Spyro, and I found that it was so hard to control. From then on it just got worse and worse. Bubble breath? What the...? The graphics of the game is worse than that on the first Spyro. All the objects and creatues look like plastercene and you can walk through solid walls. They even got rid of the sound when you capture a gem -what? I liked that! Sparx is almost useless and I can go on...
I was not very happy with where the game is set and became confused when trying to find a level. Once I had actually gone somewhere I was stuck. I couldn't be bothered any more so I just quit. Later, I gave it a second chance and I found it even more boring. This is not what I expect from a series that has established itself through brilliant games like Spyro 2 and Spyro Year of the Dragon. Universal also make some quality Crash Bandicoot games.
I'm sorry, but this game is probably the worst I have ever played on the PlayStation 2 and has put me off Spyro for a long time to come.
Thanks for reading, Jem.