I played this game for about 20 minutes, then I burned it.
I'm going to be blunt as someone who played it for 20 minutes can. The plot sucks, and there are tons of holes. The voice acting is horrible. The actual voices are professionally done, but there's no emotion or care. The quality is also laughable. The graphics are horrible. Extremely bland and crappy environments are horribly done and look flat-out unrealistic and boring. The sounds are horrible. There are loud and awkward bashes and the controls aren't too great either.
Then the shocks came. I don't know how or why, but I felt physical pain playing this game. My brother decided to play it and soon had the same problems. My eyes were sore and I had started to get a pulsing head ache. Of course, a game that's no fun AND causes physical pain, we decided to do something more fun and productive then playing the game. After a couple of rummages through our cupboards we got some matches and some gas. First we set it up on fire. Then after a good minute and avoiding fumes, we stomped the hell out of it to put it out. Then we lit it up again and let it burn until the fire stopped itself. Honestly, I think it was a good decision and I don't regret doing so. Anyway, don't play this game. It sucks. I'm extremely disappointed in what Spyro has become once universal gave it a twisted and cruel turn.