The start of Spyro's downfall.
The game starts out with Spyro, Hunter, and Bianca on vacation. Then they get a message from one of thier friends Zoe that all the fairies in the dragon worlds got frozen. So Spyro, with his friends help must rescue the fairies.
The gameplay is of standard platforming affair, but this time with an overhead camera. I HATE this overhead camera. First off, you can't see where you are going, so you WILL die by falling to your death most of the time because you can't see the piece of land in front of you. Sure, there is a button that moves the camera to see where you are going, but often times it stops right as you just barely see the edge of the platform you need to glide to. And as if that wasn't enough, thanks to the overhead camera, you can't tell whether the platform you are flying to is too high or too low, so as I said before, you will die by falling to your death.
The graphics, I can let them slide since it is the first Spyro handheld. But the levels themselves are all nothing but a series of islands that you need to fly back and forth on. And the worst part is, they each have repeating textures and layouts, so no matter where you go in the level, everything looks the same, and since you lack a map in this game, getting lost is VERY likely.
Wow, all this and I have yet to actually talk about the goal in the game, saving fairies. The fairies are trapped in hunks of ice, where you must use your flame breath to melt the ice. And of course these fairies are given out as rewards for completing objectives. Of course most of these objectives mainly consist of killing all the enemies in the level. Which is a MAJOR pain in the ass considering the lack of a map in this game.
So there you have it, Spyro Season of Ice is a horrible game that you should avoid at all costs if just to save money. But believe me, you'd also be saving your sanity as well.