YO, check this game out, it is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 8.8 | Spyro: Shadow Legacy DS
So, this game is fun, there is all these special moves spyro can learn, it is great, i mean, i love this game, i love the graphics, i love all of spyro's moves. The difficulty is just right, not too hard. If you have a DS and like spyro, you should DEFINITELY get this game. It is one of my fave DS games. It is an RPG spyro game yo. You can level up, and learn new moves. IT IS AWSOME. I thought it might be bad, but I was wrong. It is fun. It is great. It is better than the GBA games. It is tiiiiiiiiiiiiight. So, this game is fun, has good graphics, has good sound, and is great for anyone who likes spyro or a fun RPG game. I don't understand how people cannot like this game. MAKE A PURCHASE