This game is my jesus, so I might be a little biased...
First up: the music. It wasn't quite as good as Tricky, since (unfortunately) Mix Master Mike didn't make a return, but it still fits the style of the game very well. John Morgan keeps making great tracks (see Buffet of Breaks), and the other licensed artists (Deepsky, Fischerspooner, X-Ecutioners, Thrice, Kinky, etc.) definitely make the game great to listen to.
The sound design: the sound's high quality is certified by THX. Nuff said.
The gameplay: Awesome. You pick from a collection of distinct riders, each with their own trick configuration, and race down incredibly steep mountains, do railslides on rocks/trees/rails/etc., and perform ridiculous aerial tricks (such as a 1980-three 360's straight). One of the highlights of the game is the return of the Ubertricks-to pull one, players simply need to press [grab button]+[tweak/boost button], and watch while their character detaches themself from their board and proceeds to flip, spin, or do some other crazy thing with it. These tricks range from a simple kickflip-like trick to a character going into a spinning nosedive with the board placed sideways between their feet. It's ridiculous, but that's what makes it so awesome. There are much more events than in SSX Tricky, so there will be no shortage of things to do, from a pipe jam to freeriding in the backcountry.
The graphics: great to this day. Not only in artistic design (which is very nice), but in smaller details the graphics shine as well. Snow sparkles on sunny runs, long draw distance, and I could keep going for a while. My personal favorite detail is the lines that show up on the nose and tail of the boards when they catch air-they follow the board's movement and stay in the air for a short time, so that it almost looks like light graffiti on a smaller scale. This is especially spectacular when using a trick boost, as they are more pronounced and stay in the air longer.
The one complaint I have with this game is the voice acting. Mac sounds like a douche, Griff is pretty damn annoying, and while Zoe isn't quite as cringe-worthy as she was in Tricky, it still isn't great. Also, the 2d backdrops can be a bit noticeable when going off a large jump. Apart from those, this game is great, and if you can find a copy, I definitely recommend buying it.