ssx blur for the wii could be funny and exciting at times but most of it is trying to master the really hard ubersas to do the uber tricks you have to make funny shapes with the remote but it is so hard to do. in the game you select a character and race with him/her o go do tricks or if you want collect uber tokens wich let you unlock even harder ubers to do, the ubers arnt even that good, I mean the ones on 3 and tricky are way better. the Graphics are kinda good though, the snow and all that looks nice but all the characters seem deformed. speaking of characters, there are all the basic characters like mac simon and all them but they dont go much in-depth enough, and the commentater on blur is dj atomika, and ive got to say that razzelle from tricky is way more funny although atomika might say some funny stuff now and then. but something really bad is the music, I hate it, most of the tracks are punk, witch I hate, all they do is sream and you dont even uderstand what they are saying. But in the end ssx blur is pretty fun but could be improved by quite a bit like making it like ssx 3 but for wii, but, there are some good things about it like multiplayer is fun.
Remember SSX? I'm sure a lot of you remember it's superior sequel, SSX Tricky. The SSX series has been good to us, providing fast and addictive fun in every installment. It started to run out of steam with SSX On Tour be... Read Full Review
When I first saw trailers for SSX Blur, I immediately knew I had to get my hands on a Nintendo Wii. SSX Blur looked far different than any other game of its type (Tony Hawk, SSX, 1080, etc). Instead of just sitting dow... Read Full Review