Great game. Period.
Just a note: Mario, Luigi, and Peach are featured in this game also.
This is an incredible game. It only has two game modes though, that is the only bad point of it. The game modes are The tour and free ride. The tour is the main thing that you will play on. In this mode you create a boarder and finish missions such as collecting stars, getting a higher trick score than another competitor, or punching a certain number of by-passers. You also compete in events such as trick contests and races. Theres 13 new courses that you can shred in with an infinite amount of possibilities.
The courses allow you to chose your path that you take. There are many shortcuts that you can find by grinding special rails and cutting through forests that can get yuo to the finish line. A fun thing to do is "Monster Tricks". You purchase these at "The Shop". These are crazy tricks which the boarder takes his feet out of the slips and throws his board around and lands amazingly. They look fabulous.
gameplay: I rated it an 8 because there are only 2 game modes, but racing and tricks are fun.
graphics: These are great and perfect
Sound: I like the soundtrack on this, but thats just my taste of music. Its above-average but not unbelievable
Value: Good price I guess and you get what you paid for.
Recommendation: I would recommend this game. Its fun and Im sure you're going to love it.