Great game could have been even better

User Rating: 8.7 | SSX On Tour PS2
First off I hated the first two in the SSX series. When part three came out it was like a revolution, I played the hell out of it, and loved every facet of it. I expected SSX On Tour to be just like part 3 but with improved graphics, but was a little surprised. the graphics are not as polished and there is only one mountain this time around. In the last game you could race down all three in half an hour, this time it s fifteen minutes. But I do love the sense of speed this time out, which was missing from part 3. there are less wacky add on's which is a dissapointment, used to love individualizing each character. Now you only get to hook up one character, nonetheless its still a pretty cool creation system. I also like how each course can serve as a race & trick course similtaneously. The only thing i really hate is racing & doing trick courses on the highest difficulty, because it's impossible beat, for me at least. Oh and I want the PRO controls from SSX 3 back, I don't understand why they did away with that, I like being able to do spins & flips with the joystick also!!!