SSX On Tour certainly lives up to the SSX name...

User Rating: 8.6 | SSX On Tour PSP
Killing some time in the lodge after a good days ride just got a bit more enjoyable with SSX on Tour for the PSP. It would be almost cliché to say that there really hasn't been any “killer apps” for the PSP since release. Fortunately for us handheld fans, EA has given us a glimmer of light at the end of our dark tunnel. SSX on Tour is pretty much exactly what it claims to be, an extreme snowboarding/skiing title that should be a treat to play for any PSP owner. Developed at EA's Montreal Studios and published by Electronic Arts, SSX on Tour does what EA is best known for, taking an already killer franchise and finding ways of improving upon successful game design.

SSX on Tour throws you on the slopes with a few different types of gameplay ranging from big air competitions, slope racing, and one-on-one shredding. In the On Tour mode you will compete these different events in order to unlock better gear that will improve your character. In addition, you will also slowly move up the ranks in the tour, with the ultimate goal of being the undisputed king of the mountain. Collectibles are found in each track to unlock bonus content as well, and with multiplayer ad-hoc features as well there is plenty to SSX on Tour that should keep you occupied.

For those of you whom have yet to play an SSX title the gameplay is easy to learn and controls are quite well implemented for the PSP. Your goal is simple, shred down the mountain and perform a variety of killer tricks to awe and amaze the crowds and shun your competition. As you complete these tricks you have a boost meter that, once filled, allows you to bust out the really wicked tricks in your arsenal. How wicked you ask? Let's just say that I have never seen anyone pull off their board in mid-flight and whip it around their heads and live to tell the tale, at least not in this world. EA has also been kind and allowed for two different control configurations. One is a bit more advanced but I personally found it to be much more intuitive than the generic scheme that has you taking your hands off your analog stick to use the d-pad to prep for your killer jumps.

With a well-ironed set of controls SSX on Tour brings superb visuals to the PSP as well. The Montreal team did a spectacular job in using the power of the PSP to really impart a sense of speed and frantic excitement for the gamer. The graphics aren't as good as the PS2, but they are definitely nothing to be ashamed of. If there was anything to knock SSX on Tour for it would definitely not be the graphics.

Serving as icing on an already impressive title is the soundtrack. With quite a few other EA games of the past, soundtracks have always been my one gripe (*cough* Fight Night *cough*). Luckily you won't find a half-hearted eight-song soundtrack here. SSX on Tour happily has songs spanning a wide variety of different genres and artists. One second you'll be shredding to “Dial M for Monkey” and the next minute you'll be banging your head to Iron Maiden's “Run to the Hills.” As another move to “1-up” the competition, SSX on Tour has a really cool mode called Pocket Trax which serves as a simple music player that lets you listen to any of the game's songs on demand. Can we say spiffy?

For better or for worse SSX on Tour is a tad on the difficult side. Sometimes this difficulty is intended - as is the case with a few levels that no matter how hard I mash my buttons I just can't seem to win. There are a few, shall we say, “special bugs” that also can add to the difficulty. I am talking about a few different instances where the camera just does a terrible job tracking your character. The end result is that there are some completely blind corners and caves that will have you smashing your head into time and time again.

It is safe to say that if you're really looking for a great new PSP title to add to the collection, SSX on Tour fits the bill perfectly. With quick gameplay you can be sure to fit a game in fast - perfect for a short bus ride or while waiting in line for a bite to eat. With great visuals and bullet-proof gameplay (minus the minor camera issue), SSX on Tour isn't anything completely original but it is fun all the same.

Review Scoring Details for SSX on Tour

Gameplay: 8.3
Generally the same sort of gameplay from the rest of the SSX titles with a few new bells and whistles. All things considered, this is definitely a step in the right direction for the franchise. In addition, load times are rather short with some fun visuals to keep you occupied.

Graphics: 8.9
Stunning graphics (especially for a handheld version) really impart a sense of speed and frantic gameplay as you shred your way down the mountain.

Sound: 8.5
Flawless soundtrack with a wide array of musical genres to enjoy. Don't expect this soundtrack to get annoying at all. Kudos to EA on this one.

Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Make no bones about it, this game is definitely a tad on the difficult side. Don't expect to master this game in a few days, or even a few weeks.

Concept: 8.0
SSX on Tour shares the same general gameplay concepts of its prior brethren. I must admit that the new art and style direction is definitely quite a bit cooler and more in touch with the games theme.

Multiplayer: 7.9
With ad-hoc wireless multiplayer enabled you can get a chance to show up your buddy in a multitude of different game types. As with many PSP titles I really do wish such a fun game had the option of infrastructure multiplayer, but as the saying goes, “you can't win them all.”

Overall: 8.6
SSX on Tour lacks that complete originality that would classify it as an “A class” title. With so few games for the PSP on shelves right now though you would be wise to pick this one up and give it a try. If you've played any of the SSX games of the past you should know what to expect going in, and you should (for the most part) not be disappointed.