Great at first but becomes less and less appealing.
User Rating: 6.8 | SSX On Tour PSP
SSX on tour is the latest installment of the series and it transfers quite well on to the psp's 4.3inch widescreen. You get very good graphics that serve the game well and the trick effects are pretty good aswell. You get a real mint soundtrack with modern indie rock bands and you get your average crunching snow effects. You get an amazing gameplay experience with either snow boarding or ski-ing but it doesn't last. The gameplay really has no variety. Just races and tricks, the challenges are horribly boring and after you first 4-5 hours, your enthusiasm drops rapidly. All the elements for an amazing game are there but variety is lacking. The multiplayer is probably the best part of the whole game but even that gets boring. Sure, if you're an SSX maniac, you'll love the new addition to the series. But, if you psp owners want an addictive game that you'll rack up hours on, don't get this.