Cool, Cold, and Over the Top!

User Rating: 9.1 | SSX On Tour PS2
SSX is a unique game that blends over the top airborne stunts with 0 gravity jumps. The way EA have set up the game is vary well done, as a vet. at SSX I can say that it is the best adition to the series. The blur effect is nice and the charecter customization, if limited in some way, is vary vary good.

The game feels even better now knowing your own 'mini you' is now in the game.

There is only one thing I miss about SSX 3 to World Tour and thats the radio guy, I dont know about you's but he was really good, and it made the game just that little better.

In any case! The game is worth the time to play, blends a dirty Urban style with the white stuff........(SNOW!!)......"dirty people".......and has some nice tracks to it to! the game is worth a peep, if not a buy.

Vary good, 9.1/10