SSX Tricky, not a fan, didn't like, returned it. My friend loved it and I can see why but im just, not impressed. The game was kind of repetitive and sorta boring. The stupid cutscence where the girls would yell at each other was really boring, and well, kinda pointless. I know that you can do those cool moves but they kinda get stale after a while. They were kinda cool when they pulled off the board and floated around with it. it had a nice imagination, but it just wasn't worth the 50 $ that I paid for it. Metroid was a much better buy. This is just me but im not a big fan.
when you first pickup this amazing game, you feel a challenge with a slight learning curve. After a while it is very easy to become a master at this wonderful game. With a great soundtrack and just an overall fun game,... Read Full Review
this game is a friggin sweet snowboarding game it has massive adrenaline rushes with mind blowing worlds. in this game is filled with sick tricks and cool boarders like zoe,eddy,mac,luther,psymon, and other ... Read Full Review