This game is addicting and colorful.
User Rating: 9 | SSX Tricky PS2
This game is addicting and colorful. The tricks, when you do them, is so unrealistic and so fun, and you feel like you're unstopable! The soundtrack is quite clever, (It's Tricky - Run DMC, get it? ssx TRICKY, it's TRICKY!) Multiplayer is pretty fun, because one player loses badly, and one player wins greatly. And you all laugh at the end. Sometimes it IS a little frustrating, when you always wipe out in a snow boarding session. The game is also very easy. You could play it alll day if you wanted to. But there's that stuff called FOOD. So you go upstairs and into the fridge and grab some pepperoni pizza then come back down to your basement, and every 20 minutes, you pause the game to take a bite.