This is it ladies and gentleman! The game to own all games. Not a single crash and a chance to push every technology!!!
Please completely ignore the gamespot critic score we are all insulted by, they are console babies just look at the best of 2009 results. With the price of a good video card at $500 dollars and the price of a console at $300 we won't all be able to be PC gamers but those that are KNOW that the most technology advanced games belong to PC first. This is one of such games and to prove it all you have to do is unbox your DirectX 11 video card because yes, this game supports it.
P.S. I took off a week from work and friends just to enjoy this. Would I do it again? For as long as a STALKER game is made I will! That is a promise. To the makers of STALKER thank you so much I have never liked a game so much since Half Life and Deus EX. You deliver, count on us. ^_^
Update Feb, 9 2010
I just played it in english... the voiceover is terrible :(, why didnt they hire some american or british people to have a clue of what to say. You can still have the russian accent but at least say something other than "bro". The russian version feels VERY real. I want to shoot the NPC's just because of how stupid they sound now. :((