S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of chernoboyl is the most immersive, atmospheric gaming experience of all time in the most unique world ever created in gaming history and its one of the greatest FPS of all time too. why? we will discuss below.
The game released in a era when FPS games feel more of same. STALKER prove them wrong. its the most unique and innovative FPS game at the time it released. Its zone is amazing, the shooting mechanics and AI was great too. the inventory management is excellent. the atmosphere in this game is simply the best i have ever seen with weather effect too. especially in underground labs it shine alot. mods make it even better.
The story is quite interesting. you are marked one searching to kill strelok but only manage to find you are strelok and you lost your memory. but story is not that strong part. its gameplay, atmosphere and game design is what make this game a masterpiece.
if you are fan of FPS. you have to play this game. yes its somehow flawed but i forgive its flaws and bugs because how amazing the experience is. good games overcome everything.
so there it is. STALKER SoC is pure perfection and one of the greatest game ever created known to man.