A great game with alot of flaws.
Good thing: Freeroaming aspects of the game is where the game really shines. You get to explore this area around the Chernobyl power plant in Ukraine. It's atmosphere is incredible. Decaying buildings. Abadoned villages. Abandoned city's. Radiation and anomalies. Good thing: The weather system deserves a note because it really is incredible to see the sky be blocked out by clouds then raindrops start dropping.
Good thing: The AI of this game is somewhat impressive for a free roaming game. The AI usually is smart enough to take cover when shot at , retreat when losing, and flank.
Good thing:RPG elements of the game make it worth while to play and explore the Zone. You can pick up items you see and add them to your inventory, loot dead bodies, buy items, upgrade your guns, and choose factions. This is all done well with the fact the AI makes it so your not too powerful early on.
Bad thing: The graphics in this game are HORRIBLE. They look madly old or something. It might be because of the developement time but it looks like everyone is a cardboard cutout. Theres not much to say but rather to look at the screenshots. Though on a good note you can really see the lighting underground is great
Bad thing: While the AI is smart and all sometimes it doesn't "turn" on? I managed to kill an entire faction base without any retaliation other than an alarm being broadcasted.
Bad thing and Good thing: The game's underground parts are slightly creepy and atmospheric. If you didn't get spooked a bit playing the entire Main Quest you must be Duke Nukem's illigitimate son or something. Though the horror really turns to mindless zombie like killing after you realize how all the tricks work.
Bad Thing: The game really feels restricted even though it's a freeroamer. It seems that areas have too small landmass the borders seem to close in on you with radiation everywhere.
Bad thing: The story itself is pretty shady supposedly your a guy who was supposed to be dead and put on a truck out of the Zone. Your saved by a trader who helps you find a man named Strelok who you must kill according to your PDA. I'm not sure but it might be the bad english translations.
I suppose STALKER deserves this score for being ambitious and doing it's best to fill everyone's happy meal.