A great experience any FPS fan should take a go at.

User Rating: 8.5 | S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl PC
S.T.A.L.K.E.R : Shadows of Chernobyl is a first person shooter mixed with some RPG elements.

Its a great experience you will always remember, especially with seven endings.
Its a struggle for survival in the zone.

The weapon have stats, you have a RPG like inventory, and a big world and story to immerse yourself in.


The gameplay is your average FPS style, you get your average firearms that range from pistols, rifles, SMGs, and sniper rifles.

The weapons can be customized,say you find a AK-47 with a fast fire upgrade.
Then you stumble about a scope.
You latch that scope on your AK-47 and you got a very trusty weapon for the game.

Theres also a few different ammo types.
But there are many weapons to find.

Your character is in Chernobyl after a second explosion, you are a S.T.A.L.K.E.R you hunt for treasures and artifacts in the zone.

Artifacts are items you hold in your belt that give you supernatural passive abilities, like being able to resist the zones Radio-Activeness better.

Suits are crucial, as they are needed when you go to heavier Radio-Active zones.

Graphics and Sound -

The graphics are "Solid" they arnt horrible, and they arnt great.
But there are solid looking and totally acceptable.

Is AMAZING, this engine's lighting is unreal.
Say your in a underground lab that's been sealed off (which there is in the game) its pitch black, and you just flip on your flashlight.

It looks amazing.

The sound is alright, the monsters you find will scream.
The soldiers you meet up in town will speak with heavy russian accents.
The explosions and weapons sound top notch.

Story(best part)

The story in S.T.A.L.K.E.R is great.
It draws you in ,and you feel like your in a real world while playing.
And it makes you keep playing to find out whats happening while your having heaps of fun.

I won't spoil anything.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R is just a great experience.
It would take 20-40 hours to beat, and its pretty long for a FPS.
You won't forget playing it.