This game was obviously not finished.
Graphics - A FEAR, HL 2 or Rainbow Six Vegas this isn't, but the graphics weren't horrible. They were above average PC Graphics, not great, but above average, although some of the texture maps in this game were HORRIBLE.(The Viper especially looks REALLY bad.)
Gameplay - Alright, it took me all of 2 minutes to pick up the control scheme. People have been talking about how many rounds it takes to kill enemies. Now, if anybody who says this game is hard due to weapon accuracy, I really hope you don't play Battlefield 2, because the accuracy is about on par(STALKER being a little worse) OK, bandits die from a few high chest or one head shot. Anything armored, with helmet takes 2 or 3. This is not exactly difficult. I thought the gameplay was fun,when it worked, leading to...
The bugs in this game make it nigh unplayable sometimes, which for me detract hugely. I got to this one part close to the Freedom base where, during the night, I would turn around, and all the land would disappear and all I can see are gray lines and stretching triangles. Patching did NOT fix this problem, as they didn't even release a save converter with the first patch. This is inexcusable. Game Developers, beta test your damn games, and at least do the little bit of extra code to convert the saves after patching for God's sake.
Sound - Alright. Standard FPS fare. Guns sound like guns. Not much music, but a lot of ambience. The people talking not matching the on screen script was funny, but not horribly so. All in all, good job.
Story - Not the greatest. Doesn't really explain much. Is basically an aid to get you where you gotta go. Not impressed. Side missions aren't really very useful, you're better off just exploring the countryside, killing some people and looting them, while using artifacts found on the way, towards your main objective. This game gives the illusion of open endedness, but it's not a very effective one, which is then massacred by the almost complete lack of a cohesive story.
All in all, it's a 6 1/2 in it's current state with all the game stopping bugs, once they're patched, 7 1/2, maybe a generous 8. This game is not as amazing as people seem to think it is, it's just good. Not great, but good, and it could be a bit better if it was properly beta tested. A game that took 4 years to make should not have these problems.