This is the 4x game for people with lives!

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Chamber: The Harbinger Saga PC
If you’re an older gamer like myself with a family, full-time job etc… but still crave expansive 4x games, Starchamber may be the game for you. The game has most of the standard fare of MOO type games. There’s colonization, shipbuilding, diplomacy and resource management. The game is meant to be completed in no more than an hour or so, but still retain enough depth to hold your attention.

Starchamber’s distinguishing feature is its trading card component. Initially I was put off by the feature. Usually I don’t buy games that require any more money than what I play upfront. What’s good about Starchamber is that you don’t have to purchase anymore cards than what you initially get to get the most out of the game.

I have played a couple of online games and had a pretty good time, but as I’ve said, I don’t have too much time to meet and fool around online, I’m a solo gamer. That being said, the online community is where Starchamber shines, there’s always plenty of people online willing to help and trade cards. Hec, some guys will even give you extra cards if they have them. There’s always tournaments going on too, where you can win booster packs, if online turns out to be your thing.

I can’t recommend this game enough, please read the GS review for gameplay mechanics and download the demo. The game is easy to get into and has plenty of play-styles and victory conditions to keep you busy.