A game that you will never forget playing 25 years from now.
User Rating: 8.8 | Star Fox 64 N64
Starfox 64 may seem like it has limited options and fuctions in the game. That was my first impression, but then on the first level, Corneria, i learned that if you save falco and then fly through all the rock half-circles, he will lead you to a different boss. Anyway, the single player is amazingly good and is fast paced and filled with action. Throughout the games 15 levels, and multiple paths, warps, and endings, Starfox 64 is a game that all of us can remember. Who can forget the first time that they had to fight Andross as a brain, and then watch and follow Fox's Dad out of the hole. These are the three sayings I will never forget:
1:"Woah Help me!"~Slippy
2:"Do a barrel roll!"~Peppy
3: "I guess I should be thankful"~Falco
Multiplayer is a fun-filled time with your friends. If you didnt already know this, you can unlock a tank to play as during multiplayer, and you can unlock the characters on foot. It may not be James Bond, but the characters on foot are fun to play as. Yes, the game had its ups and Slippy's annoyingly high-pitched voice, but I will always think of this as a great game.