A game that keeps you coming back to see if you can best yourself.
Players take control of Fox, the leader of the Star Fox Team, piloting three crafts across the Lylat System to stop Andross, an evil monkey bent on system domination. The main craft you pilot is the Arwing, an aircraft that can fly over ground, space, and 9000 degree areas. The Land-master tank is only used in two of the single player areas, but are definately the more fun spots of the game. If the player is a good enough pilot, they will get to take the Blue Marine sub through Aquas, where Andross has put a bio-weapon.
The graphics are a bit clearer on the VC, which shows off some of the textures better than on the N64, but others aren't as good, same with sound, some sound great, others feel a bit aged, but in the end the gameplay hasn't changed if you can get used to the controller (I got used to the GC controller pretty quick.) The Music in the game sounds great, with the Zoness music as my favorite track.
Overall, for $10, this game is a great buy for any Wii owner. I played this game on the n64, and I bought it on the VC and still play it today and it hasn't lost it's charm, even many hours into playing the same areas over and over again.