This is one of those games that are classics but not among the best of classics. Star Fox 64 takes you into the air with Fox, Slippy, Falco and Peppy. You go through each planet of the Lylat system flying and shooting down enemies until you get to the boss. You do this until you get to the final level and face of against the evil Andross. The game is not very hard and not very long either. It may take you 10 hours or less your first time through. On your second run through you can find a hidden route in a level. This completely changes your route until the end of the game and is very fun to try for your second try at this game. If you need a very good and re-playable game than Star Fox 64 is one of the best games for you.
Honestly i love this game just as a kid and i still love it when i am older. This is by far the best N64 game you can buy on the market no matter what type of games you like. The story mode is a bit short but you can s... Read Full Review
Lylat Wars puts you in the roll of Fox McCloud, a mercenary and expert pilot who has been called upon to stop the evil scientist Andross who is bent on conquering the universe, oh and he also killed Fox's father years ea... Read Full Review