Oh the memories, flying through Corneria, blasting baddies of all sorts with a really cool ship, it doesn't get much better than that. Star Fox 64 was an amazing game for its time, and the graphics were too. Much to notice about this game, especially for the Wii, adding that new, weirdly awesome controller to the mix, makes for a very, new style of playing the game. Much of the credit goes to those geniuses at Nintendo for creating both Star Fox, and the Wii, gotta love them for that. As for the shoot 'em up style of game play, and trying to obtain all the high scores and medals, it is just as fun as it was on the Nintendo 64. Oh the memories...
This is one of those games that are classics but not among the best of classics. Star Fox 64 takes you into the air with Fox, Slippy, Falco and Peppy. You go through each planet of the Lylat system flying and shoot... Read Full Review
Honestly i love this game just as a kid and i still love it when i am older. This is by far the best N64 game you can buy on the market no matter what type of games you like. The story mode is a bit short but you can s... Read Full Review