Good.....................come see why...................................................................................
User Rating: 8.5 | Star Fox 64 N64
Wow i really think that this is one of the best games out of the Nintendo 64.( besides Mario.) So well first off i had not played this game in ages so i may have forgotten some things. You get this pretty large map that just starts of planets. Some will be in space and others will be in really other cool things that has something to do with space lol as you can see i forgot. You get pretty cool friends that are cool mix of life and animation like you will get a pig/human. You will go through pretty cool exotic levels and a small box will pop up when your friends or helpers are talking to you. Basically they just help you out or just are there for talking and keeping the game alive. The graphics for the 64 are pretty good, never mind they are excellent. The game play is really the main part of the game.You get a small battle ship cruise around in it and shooting any thing that comes by. You will shoot other ships and have comets flying by and other cool little aliens. Some bosses too. The controls of the shooting is pretty easy and basic and is really fun. Thats why the one of the newer starfoxes that got a bad rating was on ground so thats probally why because the gamers got the game to do the classic. The game i think has around 12 levels. But the bad reason that i stoped playing the game is that ITS HARD BUT NOT TO HARD ITS MEDIUM BUT YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE ENTIRE GAME WITHOUT LOSING A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF TIMES. You wonder why not just make a save point.